Language services via telephone offer several benefits to your organisation:
- All calls are managed by human operators (not automated telephony menus)
- Our telephone staff understand your requirements
- We can offer personalised responses
- Our systems can handle both client-originating and user-originating calls
- We can service your needs 24/7 including public holidays
- We can integrate with your existing processes
- We offer a rapid and easy onboarding/commencement process
- Usage reports are available
… and many more options.
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Technology and Connection Options for Remote Interpreting Services
Enhance your existing telephone services.
Enable onsite multilingual communication via teleconference and
resolve language barriers in ongoing stakeholder interactions.
Telephone Services include:
- Urgent / Emergency interpreting
- On-demand service integration
- Pre-booked telephone interpreting
- The ability to reserve a specific telephone interpreter
- Teleconference interpreter plug-in
- Multilingual IVR with pre-recorded multilingual
For enquiries about our Telephone Interpreting Services:
Communication Accuracy with absolute clarity.

We service both the public and private sectors including:
- Health & Welfare
- Legal
- Medical
- Insurance
- Education
- Business
- Community Services
- Not-for-profits
- Many more…
All of our onsite interpreters are
NAATI certified or accredited or suitably qualified
professionals who can meet (and exceed) your needs.
Our staff includes specialised interpreters for areas such as commerce and trade, law and policing,
engineering and design, allied health, and many other professional areas.
Onsite services include:
- Individual Assignments: one-on-one appointments
- Group Assignments: One interpreter for a group session
- Cross-talk Assignments: Multiple interpreters for a one-on-one or group session
- Sessional Assignments: Onsite interpreting provided to a pre-arranged ongoing schedule
We can work with you to design client-specific needs,
database integrations,and work closely with all parties to address any concerns,
ensuring that your language service needs are fully met.
Suitable for:
- Parent-Teacher Interviews
- Medical appointments between Health Professional and Patient
- Welfare related interviews (e.g. Centrelink and Medicare)
- Legal Interpreting (e.g. Lawyer/Client Interviews, Courts, Tribunals, Policing and Correctional Services)
- Community Services
- Business Meetings
- Delegations
- Product import/export negotiations
- Business transactions
- Individual / Group interviews
For enquiries about our Onsite Interpreting Services:
Face-to-Face. Anywhere. Anytime.

Book a video interpreting session to see and speak to your client using the following options.
Health Direct
Connect via your smartphone or laptop/desktop computer with camera and audio.
Google Hangouts Meet
Connect via your smartphone or laptop/desktop computer with camera and audio.
Connect via your smartphone or laptop/desktop computer with camera and audio.
Connect via your smartphone or laptop/desktop computer with camera and audio.
Google Meet
Connect via your smartphone or laptop/desktop computer with camera and audio.
Microsoft Teams
Connect via your smartphone or laptop/desktop computer with camera and audio.
Click below to learn more about:
Technology and Connection Options for Remote Interpreting Services
Or enquire with our video interpreting team for other platforms available bookingteam@allgraduates.com.au
Client Testimonials:
“All Graduates Interpreters and Translators assists Alfred Health Language Services department with the provision of Telehealth video-conference interpreting service in inpatient and outpatient settings. The set-up of the service was stress-free and managed in a timely fashion. The professionalism, reliability and, flexibility of Ismail and Mikaela helps Language Services to provide quality VRI to Alfred Health LEP patients.”
Ida Giaccio, Team Leader, Alfred Health Language Services
“Melbourne Health has a long standing relationship with All Graduates Interpreting and Translating Services. All Graduates take particular care with our portfolio, and we feel our health service is a top priority. All Graduates takes innovative steps to ensure that we are provided with the best outcomes for our health service. One of our biggest achievements is the successful partnership with the Health Direct Telehealth platform which enabled Melbourne Health to provide video interpreters via a secure platform to our patients and staff. As this service was established long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, there were no delays in providing this service to our staff and patients.”
Christina Leontiou, Interpreter Coordinator, The Royal Melbourne Hospital
“The skilled and highly experienced All Graduates telehealth staff have been instrumental in the success of the virtual remote interpreting service for CaLD patients by liaising with the in-house IT/telehealth team, advising on the workflow coordination of the remote interpreters and assisting with problem solving.”
A major metropolitan health provider
Our video interpreting solution offers several distinct advantages, including:
- High quality audio and video
- Safe and secure connections (point-to-point encryption)
- App and web-based solution
- Mobile phone and tablet compatible
- Pre-booked and On demand
- Technical support during setup and for all troubleshooting
- Online bookings
Click below to learn more about:
Technology and Connection Options for Remote Interpreting Services
Our professional video interpreters are experienced and
NAATI certified or accredited or suitable qualified,to effectively provide
remote assistance for your interpreting needs.
Video Interpreting is the ideal solution for connecting people separated by geography, while achieving the same degree of nuanced
and non-verbal personal interaction offered by face-to-face communications:
- Connecting Schools (Government/Private/Independent/Catholic) to international students and their families
- Delivering social service solutions to remote and rural communities
- Enabling import/export dispute resolutions
- Allowing expert testimony across borders
- Connecting medical professionals for treatment design solutions
Medically focused video interpreting.

Responding to the needs of the community, we have produced translated Telehealth
instruction sheets for patients of CALD backgrounds for the video call platform.
The following languages are provided:
Arabic, Burmese, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Karen, Macedonian, Persian
Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swahili, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Vietnamese
Click below to learn more about:
Technology and Connection Options for Remote Interpreting Services