All Graduates has been awarded a place on the MBIE Panel to provide 24/7 Telephone and Video Interpreting Services in New Zealand.
We are pleased to announce that All Graduates has been selected by New Zealand’s Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) as a panel provider for telephone and video interpreting services.
This selection highlights our commitment to high-quality language services and improving accessibility for New Zealand’s diverse communities. Our services will commence on 1 April 2025.
What This Means for Our Interpreters and Translators
As a panel provider, All Graduates will deliver 24/7 telephone and video interpreting services to New Zealand government agencies, helping them communicate effectively with clients with limited English proficiency.
To ensure you are ready to take on assignments under the MBIE contract, we encourage you to contact our team at to start preparing. This includes:
- Updating your records (National Police Checks)
- Completing the mandatory course: Interpreting in Aotearoa New Zealand: The Public Sector Context
- Make sure you are set up on our on-demand telephone interpreting platforms
We look forward to working with our interpreters and supporting New Zealand’s language and communication needs under this new initiative.